
莫卡资讯|2018年3月14日:MOKA Cashmere Kids与您相约香港国际羊绒节!


Who is MOKA Cashmere Kids ?

Here we are!

Left(左):Nika &  Right(右):Nemo

"We are biological brothers (Nemo&Nika),and we are more than brothers.We come from Ordos,CHINA. The place famous for "Soft Gold " of producing the best of Cashemere in CHINA."

"This time we will join the HONGKONG Cashmere World Fair Festival held during 14th-16th,March byCFNA and the professional fair organiser UBM."

他们是手足情深的兄弟,他们也是 羊绒衫的代言人,他们来自本土鄂尔多斯。

MOKA Brand(莫卡兄弟)初创与2015年,是鄂尔多斯本土羊绒衫品牌,由一位勇于挑战的事业女性,同时也是一位深爱这两个萌宝Nemo & Nika的中国妈妈在他们的家乡鄂尔多斯土地上为爱成立,这或许是给兄弟俩最好的礼物以及努力的榜样,这一次,他们要出发去香港,参加业内首屈一指的香港国际羊绒盛会。

QUESTION ONE:What is Cashmere?


-On Wikipedia, it is explained as a luxury fiber obtained from cashmere goats and other types of goat. Cashmere requires the removal of hair from the wool. It is finer, stronger, lighter, softer, and approximately three times more insulating than sheep wool.

-Cashmere is a premium material, sought after by consumers worldwide for its lightweight softness, warmth and durability.  Today, it is intertwined seamlessly with the world of fashion, offering sophisticated options in a range of grades for both high-end and high-street markets.  Its mark of prestige has nonetheless been preserved.

一般的羊毛我们称作 wool,好一点的则是 Merino 羊毛,而Cashmere是羊毛中的顶级羊绒,称做“山羊绒”,保暖、柔软、质轻、耐用是羊绒的特性,这也是为什么受到海内外消费者青睐的原因,如今它已融入时尚界,为服装设计师以及全球知名品牌提供更多选择。

QUESTION TWO:Why it is called "Soft Gold" in CHINA?


- It is widely known as China is the largest producer of raw cashmere, but where is it in CHINA? Yes , the answer is Ordos definitely,located in the very north of CHINA, and the west of Capital Beijing.Cashmere is a very baluable and rare materisl only collected during the spring moulting season when the goats naturally shed their winter coat.


QUESTION THREE:What is HONGKONG Cashmere World Fair?


-"Cashmere World is a vertically integrated business platform for the international cashmere trade.  It is a high-quality, annual meeting place for business, a catalyst for fashion trends and technology innovation, as well as a venue for the promotion of the unique qualities that make cashmere one of the world’s best-loved luxury materials."

——(Introduction from


QUESTION FOUR: Why MOKA was determined to join the Cashmere World?

为什么MOKA 莫卡兄弟要去香港参加羊绒盛会?

- We can explain it because the CHIINA local brand MOKA is being worldwidely by its Brand Positioning. And why MOKA could be ? It may further explained by the report titled "Double clicking on the Chinese consumers" by McKinsey Global & Company. According to the new report, we knew that 76% of survey respondents pefer and somewhat prefer local's brands.

As the report stated: Across the majority of categories surveyed, brand origin matters less than before in CHINA. Consumers today have very clear expectations and they apply to local and foreign brands alike. First and foremost, they want value for money. That’s followed by quality products—they want their unique tastes catered to—and, lastly, they demand good aftersales service.

因为在品牌成立之初,MOKA品牌创始人就已将品牌定位为全球化。此外,在著名的全球咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey Global & Company)最新的一项题为“重析中国消费者消费趋势”的调查中获知,76%的调查者表示他们愿意或较愿意购买本土服装及鞋履品牌,购买国外品牌在过去很长一段时间内成为中国消费市场上的热词,而现如今,中国消费者在国外或者本土品牌之间的选择上已经趋向理性,是否物有所值成为他们的首要考虑因素,因为消费者如今更关心产品的质量、独特的风格设计以及售后服务。

这就是为什么MOKA Cashmere Kids(莫卡兄弟)作为中国本土品牌要去香港与全球知名买手及品牌相会羊绒盛会。因为MOKA不仅严格把关羊绒衫制作原材料的选取、深入工厂制作及设计工艺,MOKA 也将它的为爱出发的品牌理念融入销售环节里与每一位顾客无微不至的沟通中,希望将这份后传递给中国的每一个家庭中,同时也希望能被不同文化的海外家庭所感受到。


MOKA Cashmere Kids(莫卡兄弟)与您相会香港国际羊绒盛会,我们不见不散!

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